BSB VISA Processing Center

Hi! How can we help You?

Mandatory Option for Canada Student Visa

  • Application form IMM 1294 (BSB).
  • Family Information from IMM 5645 (BSB) (Please provides your Parents, Sisters, Brothers, step brother & sister, Spouse and Childs Name date of birth and present address.)
  • Appointment for Biometric: Please DO NOT use MEHEDI on your hands.
  • Passport (Original) and All Previous Passport (if Any)
  • Letter of Acceptance from a Canadian Educational Institute (BSB) (Please bring all Original BSB Money Receipt during LOA delivery)
  • All Academic Papers (Original or Original Scan Copy)
  • IELTS / TOEFL Result (Original or Original Scan Copy
  • If Running Student; Running Study Certificate + ID Card + Semester Result (if Any)
  • Birth Certificate
  • NID Copy (if any)
  • Original Pulice Clearance Certificate. (If online, No need)
  • Extra-Curricular Activities (Original + 1 set Notarized)
  • Recent Photograph (4 Copy, 35mm×45mm White background, No Border, Must Lab Print)
  • If under 17 years - Custodianship Declaration form (IMM 5646) + Parents Declaration
  • If between 17-18 years: Parents Declaration
  • Embassy Fee- CAD$ 235.00 (BDT 28,670.00)

    (Word File এ স্টাডি প্লানটি স্টুডেন্টকে নিজে ইংরেজিতে টাইপ করে লিখতে হবে হব, সে যদি না পারে তবে তার পরিচিত কোনো IELTS এর টিচার বা ইংরেজির ভালো কোনো টিচারকে দিয়ে লিখিয়ে Word File টি পেন-ড্রাইভে করে এনে, ভিসা এপ্লিকেশনের ৭ দিন আগে আমাদের এখানে দেখিয়ে নিতে হবে। নিচের ৬ বিষয়ের উপর ৬টি আলাদা Paragraph করে এই Study Plan টা এক কি দেড় পেইজের মধ্যে টাইপ করতে হবে। Study Plan এর একটি উদাহরণও এই চেক লিস্টের সাথে দেয়া হল :
    ১। তুমি যে বিষয়ে পড়তে চাও সে সর্ম্পকে তুমি কি জানো যা তোমাকে এই বিষয়টি পড়তে আগ্রহী করছে। ২। ক্যানাডার World Class শিক্ষা ও অন্যান্য বিষয়ের কি কি ভালো দিক আছে যা তোমাকে ক্যানাডায় পড়তে উৎসাহিত করছে। ৩। ক্যানাডার পড়াশুনা শেষ করে বাংলাদেশে এসে তুমি কি পদবীতে এবং কোন সেক্টরে জব করতে চাও বা কি ব্যবসা করতে চাও, মোটকথা ক্যানাডাতে পড়াশুনা শেষ করে বাংলাদেশে এসে তুমি কিভাবে তোমার ক্যারিয়ার গড়তে চাও সে সম্পর্কে লেখ। ৪। তুমি যে বিষয়ে পড়তে চাও সেটা বাংলাদেশে পড়ান হয়, তবুও তুমি তা বাংলাদশেে না পড়ে ক্যানাডায় কেন পড়তে চাচ্ছো ৫। ক্যানাডায় পড়াশুনা শেষ করে তুমি যে যে ডিগ্রি র্অজন করবে তা বাংলাদশেে তোমাকে কিভাবে তোমার চাকরী/ব্যবসা ক্ষেত্রে, অর্থনৈতিক ক্ষেত্রে,পারিবারিক ক্ষেত্রে এবং দেশের উন্নয়নের ক্ষেত্রে সাহায্য করবে তা লিখ। ৬। তোমার পরিবার এবং বাংলাদেশের সাথে তোমার এমন কি কি বন্ধন আছে যা তোমাকে ক্যনাডার পড়াশুনা শেষ করে পুনরায় বাংলাদেশে ফিরে আসতে বাধ্য করবে ।)

If you are married:
  • Kabin Nama (English + Bengali)
  • Marriage Certificate
  • Invitation Card
  • Marriage function pictures + related pictures
  • Spouse Passport copy
If you have child
  • Birth Certificate
  • Family picture
  • Child Passport
If you are doing Job:
  • Job Certificate
  • Salary Certificate
  • Salary Statement
  • Statement where the salary is transferred
Bank Balance
  • Bank Sulvency and Statement (Savings/FDR/ Sanchaypatra) Minimum BDT 8-10 Lakhs. (Joint with Parents if under 18)
Personal Assets and Properties
  • Land Deed Copy (A4 Size Paper Copy) Power of Attorney/ Will/ Heba by Notary Public.
  • খাজনার রশিদ, খতিয়ান

APPLICANT Family Information (for IMM 5645) | CANADA


Name Relation Date of Birth (Format 23.02.2000) Marital Status (Single/Married/Widow) Present Occupation (Service/Student/Business) or Deceased Present Address If Deceased, Provide Death of Date and City & Country
Applicant Single/Married Business/Student/Service/Housewife
Applicant’s Wife/Common Law/Partner Single/Married Business/Student/Service/Housewife
Applicant’s Mother Married/Deceased Business/Student/Service/Housewife
Applicant’s Father Married/Deceased Business/Student/Service/Housewife
Brother/Sister/Son/Daughter Single/Married Student/Service/Business
For Sponsor:

1. FDR/ Sanchoy Patra from bank (6 months matured & not under lean)

  • a. FDR/ Sanchoy copy notarized
  • b. Sulvency by Bank
  • c. Interest Transaction

(Note: You need to show the supporting documentation to show the fund to purchase this FDR were accrued by your sponsor)

2. Savings Account

  • a. Last 6 months transaction
  • b. Sulvency by Bank

3. Current Account

  • a. Last 6 months transaction
  • b. Sulvency by Bank

    1. If Business -

    a. Sule Proprietor

    • Trade License
    • E-TIN Certificate
    • Income Tax Certificate LAST THREE YEARS
    • Tax Assessment / Tax Receipt (IT 11GA & IT 10B) for LAST THREE YEARS
    • Blank / Business Pad
    • Cash Memo
    • Visiting Card
    • Audit Reports
    • Proof of Business Transactions
    • Export-Import License, Work Order, LC copy Import
    • Chamber of membership Certificate
    • + Business related as more papers as you can add (As Challan, Money receipt, Cash Memo Etc.)

    b. Limited Company

    • Trade License
    • Proprietary/Partnership/Pvt. Ltd./Memorandum
    • Blank / Business pad
    • Cash Memo
    • Visiting Card
    • Balance Sheet for 2 years
    • Current Account Statement
    • Audit Reports
    • E-TIN Certificate
    • Income Tax Certificate for LAST THREE YEARS
    • Tax Assessment / Tax Receipt (IT 11GA & IT 10B) for LAST THREE YEARS
    • Company Profile
    • Proof of Business Transactions
    • Export-Import License, Work Order, LC copy Import
    • Chamber of membership Certificate
    • + Additional Business related papers such as Challan, Money receipt, Cash Memo, etc.

    2. If Doctor

    • MBBS Pass related papers
    • Previous practice in any hospital related papers
    • Passport copy with visas if practice abroad
    • Previous money receipt related papers
    • Any organization related to this profession related papers
    • E-TIN Certificate
    • Income Tax Certificate for LAST THREE YEARS
    • Tax Assessment / Tax Receipt (IT 11GA & IT 10B) for LAST THREE YEARS
    • Present practice related papers
      • Practice related license/Govt. permission
      • Pad
      • Visiting Card
      • Tax Paying related papers
      • Any other papers related to this profession

    3. If from abroad

      • Job Certificate
      • Salary Certificate
      • Salary Statement
      • Payment Slip
      • Appointment Letter
      • Visiting Card
      • Income Tax related papers (TIN, Tax receipt, Tax assessment…)
      • Passport copy with valid visa
      • Taxpaying Certificate
      • Money transfer to Bangladesh related papers

        Note: If any photocopy is provided, it should be notarized from that country.

      4. If Contractor

      • Trade license
      • E-TIN Certificate
      • Income Tax Certificate for LAST THREE YEARS
      • Tax Assessment / Tax Receipt (IT 11GA & IT 10B) for LAST THREE YEARS
      • (If Limited) Memorandum/ Partnership deed/ Incorporation Certificate
      • Blank Pad
      • Chamber of Membership Certificate (if any)
      • Visiting Card
      • Contractor Certificate
      • Work Order and Payment Certificate/ Details
      • ID Card Photocopy
      • + Business related as more papers as you can add (As Challan, Money receipt, Cash Memo Etc.)

      5. If Service

      • Job Certificate
      • Salary Certificate
      • Salary Statement
      • Salary slip for the last 3 months
      • Appointment Letter
      • E-TIN Certificate
      • Income Tax Certificate for LAST THREE YEARS
      • Tax Assessment / Tax Receipt (IT 11GA & IT 10B) for LAST THREE YEARS
      • Any GPF/DVD Fund
      • Visiting Card
      • ID Card Photocopy

      6. If Advocate

      • Advocate passes Certificate.
      • Bar Counsel Certificate.
      • Govt. Permission/License E-TIN Certificate.
      • Income Tax Certificate for LAST THREE YEARS.
      • Tax Assessment/Tax Receipt (IT 11GA & IT 10B) for LAST THREE YEARS.
      • Pad
      • Visiting Card
      • ID Card Photocopy
      • Any other papers related to this profession

      7. If Shop Rent

      • Shop ownership deed.
      • Shop rental agreement.

      8. If Retired

      • Service-related all papers.
      • Retirement-related all papers.
      • Money received after retirement related papers.

      9. If House Rent

      • Land Deed.
      • House Plan.
      • DIT Permission.
      • Hulding Taxpaying papers.
      • House rental agreement.

      10. If Land Properties

      • Land deed.
      • Parcha copy notarized.
      • Income from land-related papers.
      • Land valuation Certificate.
      • খাজনার রশিদ, খতিয়ান

      11. If Flat Rent:

      • Flat Ownership Deed
      • DIT / Municipality / City Corporation Permission
      • Holding Taxpaying papers
      • House Rental Agreement (Should be Minimum 300 TK Stamp)


      • If someone other than yourself or your parents is providing funds you must include.

        a. Please provide a written explanation as to why they and not your parents are providing the financial assistance. In addition, please submit proof of your relationship (where applicable).

      APPLICANT Family Information (for IMM 5645) | CANADA


      Name Relation Date of Birth (Format 23.02.2000) Marital Status (Single/Married/Widow) Present Occupation (Service/Student/Business) or Deceased Present Address If Deceased, Provide Death of Date and City & Country
      Applicant Single/Married Business/Student/Service/Housewife
      Applicant’s Wife/Common Law/Partner Single/Married Business/Student/Service/Housewife
      Applicant’s Mother Married/Deceased Business/Student/Service/Housewife
      Applicant’s Father Married/Deceased Business/Student/Service/Housewife
      Brother/Sister/Son/Daughter Single/Married Student/Service/Business